Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dr. Phil and Oprah : America's role models

When thinking about people like Oprah and Dr. Phil, I find myself slightly frustrated. These once regular people, have inherently become idols and role models that carry the socio-cultural power which impacts both young and old during many lazy afternoons on the couch.
I personally, used to like Dr.Phil, and other television shows that dealt with relationships, careers or the new fall fashions. I used to look forward to watching these shows on a pretty regular basis on my own time, as well as with my friends.
It was only recently that I came to a new conclusion. My new perspective on these types of talk shows originates from the fact that the only reason they are popular is because "they appeal to audiences' insecurities and thirst for entertainment" Basically, it seems as though millions of us get pleasure and entertainment from people's misery, their weight loss/gain, their broken hearts and the new season fashions that are made out to seem affordable, but in reality, really aren't.

"Oprah Winfrey is a brand in the same way that Nike, Kodak or Honda are brands". This statement is most certainly true, and just like most of us illogically get drawn by the brand name on a pair of shoes, or a logo on a digital camera because they are 'known' and popular, millions of us continuously get drawn to Oprah magazines, Oprah books, Oprah talk-shows etc, because we believe in the advice given by this 'brand-name person' who doesn't actually do all that much, yet racks in the cash.

All in all, people like Dr.Phil and Oprah, who offer the same advice as many other psychologists, talk show hosts or even regular people like you and I, will always get the attention and the money. Not because their advice or opinions are actually better than any other, but because their names constantly reassure our insecure and fashion obsessed culture.

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